Saturday, June 9, 2012

Quest for the Carrot Key

Narrator: they finally reached the bottom, after much slipping and sliding. they saw the tricky place.

Sealette: why are our CLASSMATES here?

Butterwolf:I think they work for the King.

Zozo: I read that the lamp in the front is magic. You have to touch it with yoour pinkie.

Blueberry:easy peasy

Strawberry: yep

Narrator: and so the seals stacked themselves and booky touched the lamp.

Everyone: WHOO HOO

Narrator: the lamp, lions, and the fences disapeared. The carrot patch turned over to show a glittering carrot key, made of the finest jewels, from Zios.
Narrator: the two twins held up the key in triumph


Life and Death

Narrator: The gang finally reached Wolfo Volcano. But the lava was getting so hot, the gang was sweating. Lady Gaga's hair had been plastered to her forehead by sweat. They had to escape.

Zozo: This is awful. I've never been to a volcano in my life!

Blueberry: First of all, why did it heat up?

Kit: Pandy.

Sunshine: why is it that we always blame it on Pandy?

Snowpaw: excactly  my question.

Strawberry: we can't leave him and we cant put him back. He is too dangerous.

Lottie: But we need that key quickly!

Camille: we can jump into ice cold water or fall into the Milky Way, but I just want to get out of here!

Butterwolf: Me too. I don't like this place.

Blueberry: It's a life and death situation. If we leave, we are going to be really embarressed. But if we get the key, We are going to be kille d by the Lion King. so we will be dead in both ways.

Strawberry: true. But how  about we get the key and go through that pasageway.

Kit: there's a passageway?

Lottie: duh.


Narrator: the poor guys were sidetracked into a creepy greenhouse. Nobody really bought it, they just dumped stuff inside. the poor guys HATED it.

Blueberry: I really don't like this. We shoudnt have skipped school.

Strawberry: We will find our way back. Grandfather's compass will-


Lottie: Pandy dropped it when she was walking


Narrator: But pandy didn't hear these remarks. she was snoozing.

Sealette: whats that sound?

Booky: It sounds a lot like a ghost..

Kit: that explains a lot


Butterwolf: Like we don't know that...

Snowpaw: I didn't know that

Butterwolf: wow snowpaw...

Sunshine: lets concentrate on getting out of here, not arguing.

Blueberry: Sunshine's right!

Strawberry: I guess

Getting Reasearch

Narrator: Blueberry and Strawberry gathered Sealette,Booky, Sunshine, Pandy, Lottie, Kit, camille, Butterwolf (pink), zozo, snowpaw (blue wolf), and Lady Gaga. They bugged Proffessor for  50 minutes to borrow the classroom. But they all did research about the carrot key.

Blueberry: Found anything yet?

Strawberry: nope. It doesnt say anything about a carrot key.

Booky: all this reading is driving me crazy

Sealette: I think this is awesome! I love research! you saw my A+ on my nonfiction book!

Sunshine: I think Booky's right. It's driving me crazy too. Seriously!

Butterwolf: Don't be such a spoilsport! I think everything is fun! at least we dont have to walk five miles in the sun!

Blueberry: well Butterwolf, we dont have pixie lights or a flashlight to go out in the dark.

Butterwolf: oh.

Narrator: when everyone else was busy, Pandy decided to sleep. But he didn't realize he was right next to the fire alarm. He tossed to the side and suddenly..


Strawberry: What's going on?!

Narrator: the gang realized the gate was there instead of the banner.

Sunshine: Oh no! this is awful!

Booky: who did it?

Sealette: Pandy!


Snowpaw: Come on Zozo, don't get violent. Plus, Lady Gaga found the place.

Blueberry: where?

Snowpaw: In Wolfo Volcano

Strawberry: oh gosh...

The Legend

Narrator: In SLE, It was time for History. Usually History was pretty boring, but today it made everyone perk up entirely

Blueberry: Hey strawberry, wanna play Hangman?

Strawberry: No thanks, I like this book better. And plus, Booky and Sealette are playing hangman.

Blueberry: Thats where I got the idea from!

Professor Cocoa: Ok Boys and Girls, today we are going to learn the legend of the carrot key!

Blueberry: Hey this might be interesting...

Strawberry: OMG! I'm getting my notebook

Sealette and Booky: ME TOO!

Professor cocoa: It all started when the Lion king

The Lion Gang: whoo hoo!

Professor cocoa; found the seal

Seals: whoo hoo!

Professor cocoa: soldiers in his castle. He looked and looked for security, and his blacksmith didn't make locks. But his magician hid a magical carrot key in the King's pillow. The key would sparkle when it was held by the king

Girls: Ooh! Aah!

Professor cocoa: But if it was held by another person, the king would feel a cold ball of snow on his neck. Now, it is rumored that the king is dead because he got frozen and died. but the carrot key survived. No one knows where it is...

Narrator: The Boys and Girls headed for their houses, chattering excitedly about the legend.

Blueberry: we have to find that key. I want to be legendary, like that king.

Strawberry: you already are!

Splash Line Elementary ( SLE )

Professor Cocoa's part

Professor Slither's part

Friday, June 8, 2012


Blueberry and Strawberry: Strawberry's year will not have any pictures. thank you.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Strawberry's journal

ok! Looks like Blueberry's year has passed, all we did was splash splash splash! but now it's my year! whoo-hoo! thats me, Blueberry, and Lehelter sitting in the parlor. as much as I LOVE candy, lehelter made me swear not to even LICK a peice of candy in our house!well anyway i think i'm fine because Lehelter bought a big bag of candy for me.. the next post will be about the pictures.. then we will share a journal, and then... (drumroll please) ADVENTURES! Have fun readers, I think you will like this! Us seals are so jumpy, we don't care about school! :D

Blueberry's Journal Pictures!

us in the hurricane room (we have a lot of hurricanes)
Us in our beds!
us on the phantom floor!

Blueberry's journal!

We love to splish and splash in my luxury pool! But i try to use it as much as i can, because it is my year, but when it is Strawberry's year, then i have to abandon my beautiful home! strawberry's thinking of a gingerbread house. I don't like it because she LOVES candy! I'm sure she's gonna eat it right up! But I'm more of the splash kind, like my friends. We have an AWESOME pool upstairs. It has boats in it and there are phantom games too! The bunny over there is our owner, Lehelter. She is usually working, but she finds time to pose in pictures!we sleep on these towels. More  pictures coming soon! Well, we will see u in the PICTURE POST!


Narrator: Hi! Guys, this is Blueberry and Strawberry! They are the TWIN SEALS!
Blueberry: Hi! Wazzup?
Strawberry: Hi! this is our den!
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