Sunday, May 13, 2012

Strawberry's journal

ok! Looks like Blueberry's year has passed, all we did was splash splash splash! but now it's my year! whoo-hoo! thats me, Blueberry, and Lehelter sitting in the parlor. as much as I LOVE candy, lehelter made me swear not to even LICK a peice of candy in our house!well anyway i think i'm fine because Lehelter bought a big bag of candy for me.. the next post will be about the pictures.. then we will share a journal, and then... (drumroll please) ADVENTURES! Have fun readers, I think you will like this! Us seals are so jumpy, we don't care about school! :D

Blueberry's Journal Pictures!

us in the hurricane room (we have a lot of hurricanes)
Us in our beds!
us on the phantom floor!

Blueberry's journal!

We love to splish and splash in my luxury pool! But i try to use it as much as i can, because it is my year, but when it is Strawberry's year, then i have to abandon my beautiful home! strawberry's thinking of a gingerbread house. I don't like it because she LOVES candy! I'm sure she's gonna eat it right up! But I'm more of the splash kind, like my friends. We have an AWESOME pool upstairs. It has boats in it and there are phantom games too! The bunny over there is our owner, Lehelter. She is usually working, but she finds time to pose in pictures!we sleep on these towels. More  pictures coming soon! Well, we will see u in the PICTURE POST!


Narrator: Hi! Guys, this is Blueberry and Strawberry! They are the TWIN SEALS!
Blueberry: Hi! Wazzup?
Strawberry: Hi! this is our den!
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